Welcome to Fit For Trips
HIKING FITNESS SOLUTIONS for people that love exploring outdoor spaces.
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Hiking Training Advice & Blog Posts

Best Hiking Training Plan on the World Wide Web
Benefits of a Hiking Training Plan Whether you dream of summiting a 14er, 13er, or Mount Kilimanjaro, aspiring to traverse the Grand Canyon from Rim…

How to Train for Hiking in the Gym – The Forgotten Element
What is the missing element to train for hiking in the gym? Don't overlook the aerobic step, which is a small elevated platform found in…

A Regular Guy’s Guide to Conquering Colorado’s Fourteeners
Of the thousands of named mountains that form the textured landscape of the contiguous United States, only a select few soar 14,000 feet or more…

Musical Trekking: Adding Music to Motivate Your Training Hikes
Musical Trekking, a playful term coined by yours truly... It means adding music to your hike, or trek, while simultaneously going on a journey through…

Hiking Washington State: From Puget Sound to Volcanic Peaks
Despite rainy weather the region is known for, hikes in Washington are alluring. The appeal of Washington is inarguable because the state is rife with…

Top Tips for Hiking and Backpacking on the Oregon Coast
When planning a hiking trip to the Oregon coast, there’s much to consider. We checked in with Bonnie Henderson, author of “Day Hiking: Oregon Coast”…

Best Hikes in North Carolina | Mountain, City and Coastal Trails
Joining us for a guided tour of must-do hikes in North Carolina is Randy Johnson. Randy has enjoyed a long career as a travel writer,…

Want to get in shape for your next hiking, backpacking or trekking adventure?
We can craft a world-class customized hiking fitness program that respects work, family, and personal obligations to fit perfectly into your monthly calendar. We’ve trained 1000+ people like you with adventures to the summit of Kilimanjaro, through the Inca Trail and from Rim to Rim across the Grand Canyon. There are no obstacles to getting in shape that we can't problem-solve for. If you have a fitness adventure goal, we can help get you there.

Hi, I’m Marcus Shapiro, Fit For Trips' head strength and conditioning coach. I provide hiking training solutions for people all over the world.
If you have scoured the internet long enough and have not found training advice that you will stick with and that works, look no further. Book a time with me to discuss how to train for your next hiking or backpacking adventure, what equipment will give you the best results and anything else on your mind.
Complete the consultation form below and I will follow up to confirm a day and time.