Email message after activation

Thanks for registering at Fit For Trips Community Forums.  You have chosen to be a part of a friendly, helpful community, and I hope you learn a lot about adventure travel.

If you’ve never use forum before, here’s how to post/participate.

1) Go to Fit For Trips Community Forums Homepage.

2) Login with the username and password you selected.

3) Click on the forum category where you want to post a question or view discussions.

4) If you want to start a brand new topic,  first click the category, then click the button at the top that reads “New Topic” and complete the required fields (Topic Title and Message).  Remember, you must be inside a forum category to see this button.

NOTE:  Please make sure you are posting in the most appropriate category.  Be sure to scan all the categories before posting.

5) If you want to reply to an existing topic discussion, click on the title of the discussion and click the “REPLY” button located all the way to the right above the message you are commenting on.

Enjoy your stay and I look forward to seeing you on the forums!

Marcus Shapiro

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